Home-made Gospel tract

Here is a photo of the Gospel tract that the old lady mentioned above made, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Ask God to help you make your own! 

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Eph. 2v10

House calls

An elderly lady in Namibia makes these beautiful envelopes containing tracts. She pops them into mailboxes or sticks them on gates & doors. She has had many people call her to say they gave their lives to JESUS or to ask for prayer. 

Witnessing Ideas

Give out tracts

​Write your own or download ours. 

There are also loads of other awesome tracts in every language available on the internet. Keep them with you to hand out as you go and even leave them in restrooms & other locations. 

 Following JESUS  to unreached tribes